Sunday 13 November 2016

4 Tips on Keeping Your Heart Strong & Healthy

While it’s true that some portion of heart health is determined by genetics, there are a number of things you can do to make and keep your heart healthy and strong. According to the CDC, millions of people are affected by heart disease and it stands as the leading cause of death in this country. The good news is, even small steps will go a long way in your goal to a healthy heart, and after you get the go-ahead from your doctor, you can start at any time!

  • Go vegetarian at least once a week! Many Americans rely heavily on meat and meat products for their meals, but if you make the effort to take meat out of just one day a week, you will already be improving your heart health. Try meatless Mondays or vegetarian Wednesdays, get creative and have fun with new foods and new recipes. If your heart could talk, it would thank you for it!
  • Trade the meat portion on your plate for the vegetable portion. That is, instead of eating a lot of meat, try eating a lot of vegetables instead, and a smaller portion of meat. Red meat contributes a great deal to heart disease, so any efforts to cut back will be rewarded with a healthier heart.
  • Stay active with something and someone you love! Most people groan when they hear the word exercise, for many, it feels like a tremendous burden or a chore. This doesn’t have to be the case at all – find an exercise buddy and find an activity you love doing – yoga, dancing, swimming, golf, biking, hiking, there are many to choose from!
  • Stay hydrated. You are composed of 60% water, so it stands to reason that you need water to survive. If your body is dehydrated, it’s not working at maximum efficiency, and this includes your heart. Drink plenty of water, especially while exercising.

Always Best Care has been in the senior care giving industry since 1996. During that time, they have assisted 25,000 seniors all over North America. If you live in the Greater Knoxville area and are interested in receiving senior care info in Lenoir City, or want to know more about in-home care service providers in Knoxville, you can contact the Always Best Care Knoxville location at 865-259-7770 to set up your free care consultation!

Friday 11 November 2016

Always Best Care Provides Exceptional In-Home Caregivers in Lenoir City

There comes a time in every senior’s life when they have to consider whether they should stay in their home and receive in-home help, or if they should move into an assisted living facility. Always Best Care is an in-home care giver company that has been working in this industry for the past 20 years. Throughout that time, they have assisted over 25,000 seniors in all of the United States and Canada maintain their independence through their in-home care services, as well as in improving their quality of life.

Seniors living in the Greater Knoxville area can rely on Always Best Care for the most dedicated and compassionate caregivers in the industry. The in-home caregivers in Lenoir City provide exceptional services that fall under three different categories: home helper, personal care, and companion. Those looking for dedicated, qualified, well-trained, licensed, and insured senior care service providers in Oak Ridge should call the Always Best Care Knoxville location to set up a free care consultation.

Just one of the many great features that Always Best Care offers as a caregiver company is a free consultation to seniors who are interested in their services. It’s at this time when a senior and their family can sit down with a Care Coordinator and discuss all of their needs, both now and their possible needs into the future. Everything is taken into account include their medical needs, emotional needs, intellectual needs, social needs, spiritual needs, etc. Everything is compiled into a personalized care plan that is updated on a regular basis, as the senior’s needs change.

Another great feature offered by Always Best Care is their free referral services. If a senior decides that they would like to know what’s involved in moving into an assisted living facility, Always Best Care will help them narrow down their choices to three or four. From there, Always Best Care accompanies them to the facilities for a tour to help them decide further. The cost of this process is absorbed by the facility that is ultimately chosen by the senior.

If you live in the Greater Knoxville area and are interested in learning about the Always Best Care in-home caregivers in Lenoir City, or the services provided by senior care service providers in Oak Ridge, you can call the Always Best Care Greater Knoxville location at 865-259-7770 today to set up your free consultation.  

Tuesday 13 September 2016

Are Seniors Happier Than Their Younger Counterparts?

Everyone assumes that when people get older they get grumpier. There have even been movies made about it, and it’s a cultural running joke. People accept it because it makes sense, overall, that the less time you have left to live, the less happy you will be. However, new research indicates the opposite, and there are curious reasons as to why.

Seniors Learn How to Cope Better
Due to their experience, seniors tend to have better coping abilities than younger people. By the time people are in their 60’s, they have weathered a lot of ups and downs, and traumas and have had to adapt time and time again. So, when events in their life happen, they already have the tools necessary to cope and can emerge happier.
Seniors Let Go of Negative Body Image
When people reach a certain age, they seem to let go of all of the cultural obligations toward body image and how someone is “supposed” to look. They don’t worry about their weight as much (though for health reasons, it should be taken under consideration), they don’t worry as much about pleasing others in a way that younger people do.
Seniors Have Lower Expectations of Life in General
When you’re younger, there is a lot of expectation placed on you in terms of your personal life, and your professional life. Climbing the corporate ladder, getting married and having kids, putting kids through college, etc., is all a part of youth and middle age. Once 60 or so hits, these expectations have likely been fulfilled – successfully or not – and the senior can live without the pressure of expectation and obligation.
Always Best Care has been in the care giving industry for the past 20 years. With locations all over the United States and Canada, they provide the finest caregivers that deliver quality in-home care services falling within the personal care, home helper, and companion categories. If you live in the Knoxville area and are interested in learning about senior care info in Lenoir City or the Always Best Care senior services in Maryville, you can call the Always Best Care Knoxville location at 865-259-7770 to set up a free care consultation.

Always Best Care Provides Superb In-Home Care to Knoxville Seniors

Since 1996, Always Best Care has been providing superb in-home care to seniors all over the United States and Canada. With numerous locations all over the country, they have been able to assist over 25,000 seniors maintain their independence through compassionate, quality in-home care. Their skilled and well-trained caregivers have logged more than three million hours of exceptional care giving time, and senior clients can rest assured that appointed care givers are licensed, bonded, and have undergone a thorough criminal background check.
If you are interested in receiving information about in-home care in Knoxville, or recommendations for veterans assisted living facilities in Sevierville, contact the Knoxville office at 865-259-7770 today for a free consultation with one of their Care Consultants. An appointment with a Care Consultant will consist of a thorough discussion of your needs, creating and writing a highly personalized Care Plan, working with your loved ones to help determine your exact requirements, and coordinating billing. The Care Plan is not static; it is continually updated to reflect the senior’s most current needs.

You might ask – what does an in-home care giver do? What are the specific services they provide?
  • Caregivers cook and serve meals for you (and your spouse).
  • Caregivers provide domestic services like cleaning and laundry.
  • Caregivers assist with outings and helping the senior maintain their personal freedom.
  • Caregivers help with daily tasks such as personal care, dressing, bathing, etc.
At Always Best Care, you can count on additional services that help make the senior’s life easier and safer. Some of these additional services include:
  • Always on Call. Have 24/7 access to a physician with Always on Call. It’s free for Always Best Care clients and their families. No more need to go to the emergency department for non-emergency issues; you can also get non-narcotic prescriptions refilled.
  • Always Safe. This fall prevention and detection program keeps seniors safe 24/7.Featuring Lifeline auto alert, it brings peace of mind to the senior client and their family. 
If you live in the Knoxville area, and are interested in finding out more about the in-home care that Always Best Care provides, contact the Knoxville office at 865-259-7770 or email them at Or, perhaps you’re interested in finding out about veterans assisted living facilities in the Sevierville area; they can make recommendations to you about this, as well. Call today and schedule your free consultation.