Friday 2 February 2018

What are Some of the Common Warning Signs of Dementia in Senior Citizens?

Dementia is a common problem among older adults. Taking care of a senior suffering from dementia can be a challenging task, especially if you have little to no knowledge about the disease. Regardless of how much you know about dementia, it is important for you to be well aware of the different warning signs so that you can get to a doctor. Diagnosing the disease as early as possible will help your loved one receive care early and possibly stave off or slow down this progressive disease. Here are some of the common warning signs of dementia in seniors.
  • Frequent memory loss – It is common for older adults to occasionally forget things such as names, dates and specific details. When memory loss begins to interfere with the daily life of your loved one, it may be something to worry about. Forgetting names of close friends, important dates, and events can be early signs of dementia.

  • Difficulty finding the right words - Aphasia is a communication disorder that impairs a person’s ability to use or find the right words. The person knows what they wish to say, but is unable to communicate with the correct words. It does not have anything to do with their intelligence and can often be frustrating for both sides. While it very common with stroke or brain injuries, it may also be caused by someone suffering from dementia.

  • Decreased communication skills – Similar to Aphasia, seniors who are at early stage of dementia may find it difficult to communicate or often just lose their train of thought. They may stop mid-sentence or begin a new sentence on a different topic without finishing the rest, becoming a bit confused with the words they need.

  • Difficulty in following directions – Seniors suffering from dementia may find it difficult to concentrate or follow directions. This can make daily living tasks, such cooking, driving, and cleaning, difficult for them. Playing mind games and puzzles can increase their concentration level and help them focus staying on task.
Dementia suffering seniors may require some level of constant care and support with daily living. If you are unable to care for your elderly loved consistently, consider hiring professional help in the form of caregivers. An experienced in-home care provider will only look after your loved one’s safety and also assist them with their daily living activities.

For experienced and knowledgeable in-home caregivers in Lenoir City, contact Always Best Care today. They are a leading senior care organization that has highly trained and bonded care providers who provide compassionate senior care services. For more information, call (865) 259-7770.

Monday 29 January 2018

Is Your Senior Loved One at Risk of Diabetes?

Seniors have a greater risk of developing diabetes than younger adults. Diabetes is a life-long condition that requires proper and careful treatment. Sedentary lifestyle, changing metabolism, and obesity are all risk factors that older adults are facing. If you have a senior family member who is at risk of developing diabetes, then here are some tips that can help.
  • Encourage physical activity – It is important for your loved one to stay physically active for overall good health. Inactivity can lead to the buildup of glucose level in the body that further increases the risk of diabetes. To break down the glucose level, it is important to exercise regularly. Low-impact exercises such as walking, swimming, and yoga are often best for older adults.
  • Provide nutritious meal – Keep an eye on your loved one’s eating habits and make sure they eat a healthy and nutritious diet. It will help them maintain a healthy weight and help prevent diabetes. If you have a diabetic senior at home, make sure they avoid starchy, processed foods and sugary drinks because they are all high in calories and carbohydrates.
  • Regular checkups – Stay up to date on the status your loved one’s health and make sure they receive regular medical checkups. The earlier the diabetes is detected, the easier it is to keep in check.
If your aging loved one needs assistance in maintaining healthy eating habits to prevent the risk of diabetes, consider looking for a professional caregiver. An experienced in-home care provider will help look after your senior family member’s safety and encourage them to eat well, exercise regularly, and follow a healthy lifestyle.

Contact a trusted senior care organization like Always Best Care to hire highly trained, bonded, and insured senior care service providers in Oak Ridge. For more information, call ABC at (865) 259-7770.